
MPL is built on MPI. An MPI implementation needs to be installed as a prerequisite, e.g., Open MPI or MPICH. MPL is a header-only library. Thus, it suffices to download the source and to copy the mpl directory, which contains all header files to a folder, where the compiler will find it, e.g., /usr/local/include on a typical Unix/Linux system.

For convenience and better integration into various IDEs, MPL also comes with CMake support. To install MPL via CMake get the sources and create a new build folder in the MPL source directory, e.g.,

user@host:~/mpl$ mkdir build
user@host:~/mpl$ cd build

Then, call the CMake tool to detect all dependencies and to generate the project configuration for your build system or IDE, e.g.,

user@host:~/mpl/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local ..

The option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH specifies the installation path.

Usually, CMake will find the required MPI installation as well as the Boost Test library automatically. Depending on the local setup, however, CMake may need some hints to find these dependencies. See the CMake documentation on FindMPI and FindBoost for further details.

CMake can also be utilized to install the MPL header files. Just call CMake a second time and specify the --install option now, e.g.,

user@host:~/mpl/build$ cmake --install .

A set of unit tests and a collection of examples that illustrate the usage of MPL can be complied via CMake, too, if required. To build the MPL unit tests add the option -DBUILD_TESTING=ON to the initial CMake call. Similarly, -DMPL_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON enables building example codes. Thus,


enables both, building unit tests and examples. MPL unit tests utilize the Boost.Test framework. Furthermore, adding -DMPL_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON to the set of CMake options during configuration enables building the MPL documentation, which requires Doxygen, Breathe and Sphinx. Finally, build the unit tests, the example code and/or the documentation via

user@host:~/mpl/build$ cmake --build .

After the unit test have been build successfully, they can be run conveniently by utilizing the CTest tool, i.e., via

user@host:~/mpl/build$ ctest
Test project /home/user/mpl/build
      Start  1: test_group
 1/30 Test  #1: test_group ...............................   Passed    0.44 sec
      Start  2: test_communicator
 2/30 Test  #2: test_communicator ........................   Passed    0.31 sec
      Start  3: test_cartesian_communicator
 3/30 Test  #3: test_cartesian_communicator ..............   Passed    0.38 sec
      Start  4: test_graph_communicator
 4/30 Test  #4: test_graph_communicator ..................   Passed    0.30 sec
      Start  5: test_dist_graph_communicator
 5/30 Test  #5: test_dist_graph_communicator .............   Passed    0.31 sec
      Start  6: test_communicator_send_recv
 6/30 Test  #6: test_communicator_send_recv ..............   Passed    0.36 sec
      Start  7: test_communicator_isend_irecv
 7/30 Test  #7: test_communicator_isend_irecv ............   Passed    0.30 sec
      Start  8: test_communicator_init_send_init_recv
 8/30 Test  #8: test_communicator_init_send_init_recv ....   Passed    0.34 sec
      Start  9: test_communicator_sendrecv
 9/30 Test  #9: test_communicator_sendrecv ...............   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 10: test_communicator_probe
10/30 Test #10: test_communicator_probe ..................   Passed    0.34 sec
      Start 11: test_communicator_mprobe_mrecv
11/30 Test #11: test_communicator_mprobe_mrecv ...........   Passed    0.38 sec
      Start 12: test_communicator_barrier
12/30 Test #12: test_communicator_barrier ................   Passed    0.37 sec
      Start 13: test_communicator_bcast
13/30 Test #13: test_communicator_bcast ..................   Passed    0.30 sec
      Start 14: test_communicator_gather
14/30 Test #14: test_communicator_gather .................   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 15: test_communicator_gatherv
15/30 Test #15: test_communicator_gatherv ................   Passed    0.30 sec
      Start 16: test_communicator_allgather
16/30 Test #16: test_communicator_allgather ..............   Passed    0.40 sec
      Start 17: test_communicator_allgatherv
17/30 Test #17: test_communicator_allgatherv .............   Passed    0.31 sec
      Start 18: test_communicator_scatter
18/30 Test #18: test_communicator_scatter ................   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 19: test_communicator_scatterv
19/30 Test #19: test_communicator_scatterv ...............   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 20: test_communicator_alltoall
20/30 Test #20: test_communicator_alltoall ...............   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 21: test_communicator_alltoallv
21/30 Test #21: test_communicator_alltoallv ..............   Passed    0.36 sec
      Start 22: test_communicator_reduce
22/30 Test #22: test_communicator_reduce .................   Passed    0.31 sec
      Start 23: test_communicator_allreduce
23/30 Test #23: test_communicator_allreduce ..............   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 24: test_communicator_reduce_scatter_block
24/30 Test #24: test_communicator_reduce_scatter_block ...   Passed    0.34 sec
      Start 25: test_communicator_reduce_scatter
25/30 Test #25: test_communicator_reduce_scatter .........   Passed    0.38 sec
      Start 26: test_communicator_scan
26/30 Test #26: test_communicator_scan ...................   Passed    0.32 sec
      Start 27: test_communicator_exscan
27/30 Test #27: test_communicator_exscan .................   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 28: test_displacements
28/30 Test #28: test_displacements .......................   Passed    0.06 sec
      Start 29: test_inter_communicator
29/30 Test #29: test_inter_communicator ..................   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 30: test_info
30/30 Test #30: test_info ................................   Passed    0.29 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 30

Total Test time (real) =   9.57 sec

or via your IDE if it features support for CTest.

Alternatively, MPL may be installed via the Spack package manager. This will install the library headers ony but not compile the unit tests and the examples.