Auxiliary functions and classes#

Integer types#

using mpl::size_t = std::size_t#

Unsigned integer type used for array indexing and address arithmetic.

using mpl::ssize_t = std::ptrdiff_t#

Signed integer type used for array indexing and address arithmetic.


class ranks : private std::vector<int>#

Represents a collection of ranks.

See also

class group

Public Functions

inline explicit ranks(size_type n = 0)#

Constructs collection of ranks with all ranks having value zero.


n – initial size of the collection

inline ranks(std::initializer_list<int> init)#

Constructs collection of ranks from a braces expression of integers.


init – list of initial values

ranks(const ranks &other) = default#

Constructs collection of ranks from another collection.


other – the other collection to copy from

inline ranks(ranks &&other) noexcept#

Move-constructs collection of ranks from another collection.


other – the other collection to move from

inline const int *operator()() const#

Gives access to internal data.


pointer to constant array

inline int *operator()()#

Gives access to internal data.


pointer to array

Types for probing messages#

The following types are used in the context of probing messages. See section Probing messages for an example.

using mpl::message_t = MPI_Message#

Status of a received message.

class status_t : private MPI_Status#

Class that represents the status of a received message.

Public Functions

inline int source() const#

source of the message

inline mpl::tag_t tag() const#

tag value of the message

inline int error() const#

error code associated with the message

inline bool is_cancelled() const#

true if associated request has been been canceled

inline bool is_canceled() const#

true if associated request has been been canceled

template<typename T>
inline int get_count() const#
Template Parameters:

T – received data type


number of top level elements of type T received in associated message

template<typename T>
inline int get_count(const layout<T> &l) const#
Template Parameters:

T – received data type


l – layout used in associated message


number of top level elements of type T received in associated message

inline status_t()#

default constructor initializes source and tag with wildcards given by any_source and tag_t::any and no error


friend class impl::base_communicator
friend class impl::base_request
friend class impl::request_pool
friend class file
struct mprobe_status#

Return value of matching probe operations.

Public Members

message_t message#

message handle to be used in a matching receive operation

status_t status#

status of the pending incoming message

Memory displacements#

The mpl::displacements class is used in the context of various collective communication operations that send and/or receive an amount of data that varies over the set of participating processes.

class displacements : private std::vector<MPI_Aint>#

Indicates the beginning of data buffers in various collective communication operations.

Public Types

using size_type = base::size_type#
using value_type = base::value_type#

Public Functions

inline explicit displacements(size_type n = 0)#

Constructs a set of displacements with displacement zero.


n – number of displacements

inline explicit displacements(std::initializer_list<MPI_Aint> init)#

Constructs a set of displacements with given displacements.


init – initial displacements

displacements(const displacements &other) = default#

Copy constructor.


other – the other set of displacements to copy from

displacements(displacements &&other) = default#

Move constructor.


other – the other set of displacements to move from

inline const MPI_Aint *operator()() const#

Get raw displacement data.


pointer to array of displacements


Test status enum#

enum class mpl::test_result#

Indicates kind of outcome of test for request completion.


enumerator completed#

some request has been completed

enumerator no_completed#

no request has been completed

enumerator no_active_requests#

there is no request waiting for completion

Non-blocking communication requests#

class irequest : public base_request<impl::base_irequest>#

Represents a non-blocking communication request.

Public Functions

irequest(const irequest&) = delete#

Deleted copy constructor.

inline irequest(irequest &&other) noexcept#

Move constructor.


other – the request to move from

void operator=(const irequest&) = delete#

Deleted copy operator.

inline irequest &operator=(irequest &&other) noexcept#

Move operator.


other – the request to move from


reference to the moved-to request

inline void cancel()#

Cancels the request if it is pending.

inline std::optional<status_t> test()#

Tests for the completion.


the operation’s status if completed successfully

inline status_t wait()#

Wait for a pending communication operation.


operation’s status after completion

inline std::optional<status_t> get_status()#

Access information associated with a request without freeing the request.


the operation’s status if completed successfully


friend class impl::request_pool< irequest >
class irequest_pool : public request_pool<irequest>#

Container for managing a list of non-blocking communication requests.

Public Types

using size_type = std::vector<MPI_Request>::size_type#

Type used in all index-based operations.

Public Functions

irequest_pool() = default#

Constructs an empty pool of communication requests.

irequest_pool(const irequest_pool&) = delete#

Deleted copy constructor.

inline irequest_pool(irequest_pool &&other) noexcept#

Move constructor.


other – the request pool to move from

void operator=(const irequest_pool&) = delete#

Deleted copy operator.

inline irequest_pool &operator=(irequest_pool &&other) noexcept#

Move operator.


other – the request pool to move from


reference to the moved-to request pool

inline size_type size() const#

Determine the size of request pool.


number of requests currently in request pool

inline bool empty() const#

Determine if request pool is empty.


true if number of requests currently in request pool is non-zero

inline const status_t &get_status(size_type i) const#

Get status of a request.


i – index of the request for which the status will be returned


status of request

inline void cancel(size_type i)#

Cancels a pending request in the pool.


i – index of the request for which shall be cancelled

inline void cancelall()#

Cancels all requests in the pool.

inline void push(irequest &&request)#

Move a request into the request pool.


request – request to move into the pool

inline std::pair<test_result, size_type> waitany()#

Wait for completion of any pending communication operation.


pair containing the outcome of the wait operation and an index to the completed request if there was any pending request

inline std::pair<test_result, size_type> testany()#

Test for completion of any pending communication operation.


pair containing the outcome of the test and an index to the completed request if there was any pending request

inline void waitall()#

Waits for completion of all pending requests.

inline bool testall()#

Tests for completion of all pending requests.


true if all pending requests have completed

inline std::pair<test_result, std::vector<size_type>> waitsome()#

Waits until one or more pending requests have finished.


pair containing the outcome of the wait operation and a list of indices to the completed requests if there was any pending request

inline std::pair<test_result, std::vector<size_type>> testsome()#

Tests if one or more pending requests have finished.


pair containing the outcome of the test and a list of indices to the completed requests if there was any pending request

Persistent communication requests#

class prequest : public base_request<impl::base_prequest>#

Represents a persistent communication request.

Public Functions

prequest(const prequest&) = delete#

Deleted copy constructor.

inline prequest(prequest &&other) noexcept#

Move constructor.


other – the request to move from

void operator=(const prequest&) = delete#

Deleted copy operator.

inline prequest &operator=(prequest &&other) noexcept#

Move operator.


other – the request to move from


reference to the moved-to request

inline void start()#

Start communication operation.

inline void cancel()#

Cancels the request if it is pending.

inline std::optional<status_t> test()#

Tests for the completion.


the operation’s status if completed successfully

inline status_t wait()#

Wait for a pending communication operation.


operation’s status after completion

inline std::optional<status_t> get_status()#

Access information associated with a request without freeing the request.


the operation’s status if completed successfully


friend class impl::request_pool< prequest >
class prequest_pool : public request_pool<prequest>#

Container for managing a list of persisting communication requests.

Public Types

using size_type = std::vector<MPI_Request>::size_type#

Type used in all index-based operations.

Public Functions

prequest_pool() = default#

Constructs an empty pool of persistent communication requests.

prequest_pool(const prequest_pool&) = delete#

Deleted copy constructor.

inline prequest_pool(prequest_pool &&other) noexcept#

Move constructor.


other – the request pool to move from

void operator=(const prequest_pool&) = delete#

Deleted copy constructor.

inline prequest_pool &operator=(prequest_pool &&other) noexcept#

Move operator.


other – the request pool to move from

inline void startall()#

Start all persistent requests in the pool.

inline size_type size() const#

Determine the size of request pool.


number of requests currently in request pool

inline bool empty() const#

Determine if request pool is empty.


true if number of requests currently in request pool is non-zero

inline const status_t &get_status(size_type i) const#

Get status of a request.


i – index of the request for which the status will be returned


status of request

inline void cancel(size_type i)#

Cancels a pending request in the pool.


i – index of the request for which shall be cancelled

inline void cancelall()#

Cancels all requests in the pool.

inline void push(prequest &&request)#

Move a request into the request pool.


request – request to move into the pool

inline std::pair<test_result, size_type> waitany()#

Wait for completion of any pending communication operation.


pair containing the outcome of the wait operation and an index to the completed request if there was any pending request

inline std::pair<test_result, size_type> testany()#

Test for completion of any pending communication operation.


pair containing the outcome of the test and an index to the completed request if there was any pending request

inline void waitall()#

Waits for completion of all pending requests.

inline bool testall()#

Tests for completion of all pending requests.


true if all pending requests have completed

inline std::pair<test_result, std::vector<size_type>> waitsome()#

Waits until one or more pending requests have finished.


pair containing the outcome of the wait operation and a list of indices to the completed requests if there was any pending request

inline std::pair<test_result, std::vector<size_type>> testsome()#

Tests if one or more pending requests have finished.


pair containing the outcome of the test and a list of indices to the completed requests if there was any pending request

Command-line arguments#

class command_line : private std::vector<std::string>#

Represents a set of command-line arguments.

See also

class communicator::spawn

Public Functions

inline explicit command_line()#

Constructs an empty set of command-line arguments.

inline command_line(std::initializer_list<std::string> init)#

Constructs set of command-line arguments from a braces expression of strings.


init – list of initial values

command_line(const command_line &other) = default#

Constructs set of command-line arguments from another set.


other – the other set to copy from

inline command_line(command_line &&other) noexcept#

Move-constructs set of command-line arguments from another set.


other – the other set to move from

class command_lines : private std::vector<command_line>#

Represents a list of command-line argument sets.

See also

class communicator::spawn_multiple

Public Functions

inline explicit command_lines()#

Constructs an empty list of command-line argument sets.

inline command_lines(std::initializer_list<command_line> init)#

Constructs list of command-line argument sets from a braces expression of strings.


init – list of initial values

command_lines(const command_lines &other) = default#

Constructs list of command-line argument sets from another list.


other – the other list to copy from

inline command_lines(command_lines &&other) noexcept#

Move-constructs list of command-line argument sets from another list.


other – the other list to move from